Full Price 90-minute Session

Here's some of what you can expect from a regular practice with me in Meditative Self-Inquiry: • I will listen deeply to what is alive in the moment and how that meets your Inquiry. • I will guide you as deeply as I find you are willing and interested in going in the moment. I hold a strong container for Inquiry. (I find wherever we are on the journey, questioning our thoughts is still a new paradigm for us humans. and being reminded of what we're doing together is important.) • As an ongoing client, I track the themes alive for you in your journey, and offer relevant practices that utilize the many facets of meditative self-inquiry, The Work of Byron Katie, and my own journey in the path of Inquiry. In other words, I hold you to your Work as I see it evolve. • As an ongoing client, you also are eligible for discounts to my classes and programs. • My full price rate is $180-285. If you'd like to pay at another point of the scale than $285, please send via Venmo *@BJ-HardenJones* or *paypal.me/stepintotruth*

Package of Eight Sessions

For profound inner growth and change, and a sustainable upgrade to your inner operating system, a series of sessions helps you reach an expansive understanding of your essence and your heart. By booking a package of 8 sessions and paying in advance, I offer a 10% discount off my regular rate. The same benefits apply as listed in the "Full Price" description above. • In-person sessions are also an option for regular, longstanding clients. (You will schedule the first of 8 using this link. To schedule the subsequent 7 of your package, select the "No Charge" link below.)

Discounted Intro to The Work

This special one-time session is for those who want either an intro to The Work, or an intro to my facilitation, and serves as a "nice to meet you" between the two of us. Select this link for these three reasons: • If you are new to The Work this session will show you around the simple but profound ins and outs of the Meditative Inquiry process that is The Work. • For those of you who have experience with The Work and wish to experience my facilitation, you will be guided with my flavor of Inquiry in whatever you bring to our session. • This is also the special session type to choose if you're a repeat 101er, or participant in Abiding in the Heart. In this case, it's okay if you've had a discounted session with me in the past. Many of the same benefits apply as listed in the “Full Price” description above, except for class discounts.

No Charge Session

This type of session is for the following three purposes: • If you are participating in Abiding in the Heart, two sessions are included with your tuition. • If you are a first-time participant in Step Into Truth 101 or 201, one session is included with your tuition. • If you have booked a package with me, you pay the full price for 8 sessions up front on the first session. You will book the subsequent 7 sessions using this link. Many of the same benefits apply as listed in the “Full Price” description above, except for class discounts.